Keynotes and Workshops that


Your Business & Team

“… exactly what our sales team needed …”

"Mike's motivational, content-rich workshop was exactly what our Sales team needed to achieve our aggressive goals. I especially appreciated his ability to communicate with passion and real-life examples of what it takes to be successful in the marketplace."

- Waldo Banks
Manager, Market Development
American Express


“… so many elements that helped my inner-self …”

"I couldn't wait to express the wonderful experience I had… There are so many elements that helped develop my inner self as a person, businessman, co-worker, husband, father and a friend. I give my greatest recommendations to anyone who is interested in Mike's keynotes and workshops."

- Robert Reaves
Finance Manager
Disney Direct Marketing


Dynamic Keynotes & Workshops

Mike Pointer's keynotes and workshops are dynamic experiences crafted to inspire and drive meaningful change. With charisma and wisdom, Mike delivers practical insights on collaboration, communication, and leadership, offering actionable strategies for personal and professional growth. Elevate your team with sessions that leave a lasting, positive impact on your business.

“His drive for success is infectious …”

"The information that Mike Pointer provided has been encouraging, uplifting and very realistic. His drive for success is infectious and it propels me to be more proactive, both professionally and personally. When my day comes to shine, rest assured Mike had a big say in it!"

- Tharam Singh
Milken Institute


“… a true asset to both my career and personal live!”

"The guidance and knowledge I gained from attending has been a true asset to both my career and my personal life! Mike's relaxed style immediately puts people at ease. He creates an atmosphere where people are willing to share ideas and experiences. I applaud you and will recommend you to my colleagues and friends."

- Todd Voelker
National Sales Manager
Pasadena Convention & Visitors Bureau


Inspiring Books by Mike for Positive Transformation

Feeling Great!

How To Develop Self-Confidence

Programming Your Mind for Success

Love is Not the Answer